Six questions with... Gemma Terry

Gemma is Think2Speak’s Happiness Officer.

What’s your favourite way to greet people?

If you know me, then you will already know I am an awkward hugger, unless I really know you, that almost makes my awkwardness acceptable and you will get a hug. You will however always get a massive smile from me, a big hello and a handshake if you would like one.

What conversation makes you happy?

I love to talk to people about travel, hearing about their trips and planning my own trips away, even if it’s just a day trip or a weekend away. It’s taking time to talk about exploring new places with my family. I really value recommendations from other people, they are great and because of those we have stayed in some truly amazing places which I never would have found on my own.

What conversation topic makes you nervous?

Old age… that makes me nervous, talking about all the ifs and buts, what it might look like for me. I am great at taking care of everyone else, making sure they are comfortable and have everything they need but having to let them do that for me, where do I start!?

What makes you laugh?

I am so immature, lots of things in life make me laugh, usually the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. I will be the one trying to suppress my giggles at the back!

If you could ask someone, dead or alive, anything - who and what would you ask them?

That’s a tough one… I have a lot of questions all the time for everyone. Space is a key theme in our house at the moment so I think I would have to ask Helen Sharman about Aliens, in an interview this year she said ‘they exist, there is no two ways about it’. So Helen Sharman, my question to you is have you seen an Alien?

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

I am not brave, so move out and go to University… if you were ever to speak to my Mum, she will tell you she probably thought it would never happen. I am such a home bird, I like to be close to my whole family, but I made the small leap and moved from Scunthorpe to Portsmouth and actually stayed for the full 3 years and got my degree! (side note: I did ask to come home most days, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day, my poor Mum!)


International Women's Day - Six Questions With


No One Left Behind