Think2Speak team meet Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Lizzie Jordan and her son Jay, Alan Searle and Matthew Stringer were invited to meet Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the Royal couple's first public engagement together.

The World AIDS Day event, hosted by Terrence Higgins Trust at the Contemporary in Nottingham, showcased the work of organisations working in the field. Lizzie was invited to talk to the Royal couple about Think2Speak's work in schools across the country. 

Meghan recognised Lizzie from the BBC One documentary The Truth About HIV which aired in the summer in which Prince Harry also appeared. 

'I was delighted to be invited to speak with the Royal couple. Harry asked about our work in schools and expressed his frustration that too many young people learn about HIV once they are diagnosed, when it is too late to then protect themselves from HIV infection.' Lizzie said afterwards.

After meeting the Royal couple Lizzie appeared on BBC Breakfast - you can watch the interview clips on our Facebook page here.

Before the event Lizzie was interviewed by the Royal Correspondent from The Telegraph. Read more in The Telegraph here.

Read more about the event on Terrence Higgins Trust's website here.


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